
Every Moment an Instinct 30/30 by Illume System Studio

Oh, how we compare ourselves to caterpillars.

But it’s like the moths gravitating towards bright lights 
then dying that we mimic.

How we tell children that dreaming is where happiness is made.

That when dreams come true, 
wings unfold with unimaginable colors and take flight.

Yet, the lives of birds, insects and flowers are not so beautiful as we are told.
Every moment an instinct. 
They are not joyful for their magnificence.

Our happiness on the other hand has the habit 
of transforming like clouds to tears.

It’s not true that rain comes from the sky, 
and rain is not falling to the ground.

Why do we lie to ourselves?

At the top, will the view will be enough?

From the top, there is only room for one, 

looking down,
                                              looking down.

From the top, 
       there is 

Staying Takes You Somewhere 29/30 by Illume System Studio

way to 
same thing. 
Depending on
what you're looking for. 
When to move? 
But even staying 
The only 
constant is 
is trying to make it stop. 
Stopping is like perfection; it doesn't exist.

When I Heard Your Heartbeat, I Cried 20/30 by Illume System Studio

#NaPoWriMo Challenge: Write a poem that states the things you know. 

The ground beneath my feet is really layers 
and layers of time.
Stepping softly won’t slow my growing old.
Walking in circles only makes me dizzy.

I know I need to embrace this journey. 
The sun doesn’t choose whose eyes to shine in -
I am here as witness to each glimmer. 

Your spring hydrates my crisp summer leaves.
When I heard your heartbeat I cried,  knowing 
The flood was on the way - and I knew how to swim.

I had thought I knew what love was,
I had thought I knew,
But love is like time,
beneath my feet,
with each step,
I grow wiser.

Modified Haiku in The Key of Sea - in three parts 17/30 by Illume System Studio

#NaPoWriMo haiku challenge-4:9:4

Modified Haiku in The Key of Sea
In three parts

Another wave 
Won't stop for the shore because it can't. 
Energy's curse. 

Compulsive bursts 
Spit up the underbellies of thoughts
Then back to sea. 

Then back to shore 
Then back to sea, a marriage of fates
Without a truce. 

All at Once Yet Never Together 15/30 by Illume System Studio

Heart and mind. 
                                   A metaphor murmuring 
                                                          And melting evermore
                             Into puddles of 
       Desire and despair. 

    Always all at once yet never together. 

                            Which one could stand alone?

As the sea and the shore join endlessly 
                                                         Rock by pebble by 
                              Sand to silt. 

         I am left to reflect how the 
                                           Waning tide suffers 
                                                                          no remorse 
                                                       As it leaves me. 

                                                                    Returning later, 
                                           It will not grieve that
I have gone. 

A Hard Truth 9/30 by Illume System Studio

Waking up inside small circles
Still asleep. 
Still wrapping around and around and 

In truth,
The center is hard to locate.

The center has its own center.

Its own center doesn’t exist.

So what am I
Wrapping around if not 
Nothing at all?

River Won't Listen 10/30 by Illume System Studio

River rushing,
Messing through tranquility,
Upsetting soft grasses 
And still trees.

Calm sky clouds
Stay open for a wide sun.
But river shatters the rays
Upon rocks and edges.

River won’t listen 
To birdsong or deer hooves moving.
Instead, tantrum-ing down mountainsides,
And butting up against boundaries and lines.

Always running,
although towards or away from,
We may never know.
Whirl-pooled and streaming puddles of childish tears,
Crying until they’re all dried up.

I'm No Sooner Arrived 8/30 by Illume System Studio

I'm back from the woods where I spend a few days off the grid...I couldn't post for #napowrimo, so the following posts will be catch up posts of what I put together at Breightenbush Hot Springs in Oregon.

Sooner and later I'm always
Looking for shadows and shapes
That disappear behind 
Each distraction,
Dissolve into every reflection
And dip beneath an under-looked depth. 

And later I awake to find 
I'm no sooner arrived. 

A Drop in The Bucket 7/30 by Illume System Studio

Today's writing prompt from NaPoWriMo is: Write about Money

A Drop in the Bucket

It’s in our DNA,
To build upon and build upon.

To multiply, and increase.
To take up more space, 
To be our own. 
To identify what is ‘mine’. 

One penny connecting to another,
Becoming another form of currency, 
Attracting more connections.

The endless becoming of many pieces 
That together represent 
More than the whole.

Culturally the monies display differently, 
But underlying the structure, 
Their concepts, 
look the same.

Like with our own DNA, 
Money buys ninety percent junk, 
Only ten percent for what we need to function.

Often, our wallets suffer from disease and loss. 
Some feel emptiness,
Some are obese,
Some are tainted with bad blood.

Many submit to the God gene and feel all powerful,

While others are stolen
Disappearing into the masses,
                  An insignificant 
                                                                       in the bucket.

It’s in our DNA to make more.
It’s in our DNA to take over,

As we spend
                              we speak,
                                                                 Through our voices,
                                          we evolve.

Aubade to a Sleepless Night 6/30 by Illume System Studio

Aubade to a Sleepless Night 

Let me return this to you. 
It was a long night,
Restless and aching,
With sheets damp with worry. 

Upon your dawning,
I thought to give this back
See if you could do better with it. 

With its colorless cast,
Soundless lamenting,
It's not so much that I tired of it,
It just didn't seem to take to my efforts. 

So, here it is,
With its soft luring,
Whispering and warmth 
It so cruelly withheld from me. 

I know as soon as you rise, 
It will nuzzle up 
To your sunny disposition 
And stop racing around 
Through the gaps in my breaths.

Murky Waters 5/30 by Illume System Studio

Murky waters. 

A place to stay away from,
Perhaps a state to beware of.
Or rather something to not get mixed up in. 

It might be too deep,
Too dark,
Unclean or worse. 

Yet, from the womb we emerge
A sooty mess,
All muddy from pure beings blood,

And we arrive full of light,
Having endured the darkest 
Mysteries of life.