river art

Somewhere Between Neither 13/30 by Illume System Studio

Yesterday I said I will

Catch up to a breath,
Catch up to the moment.
But Today I'll be somewhere between neither.

Try to hold what it was,
It disappears. 

Try to hold it tight,
It begs to be let go. 

There is no future for wanting. 

There is no breath waiting to be had.

A Hard Truth 9/30 by Illume System Studio

Waking up inside small circles
Still asleep. 
Still wrapping around and around and 

In truth,
The center is hard to locate.

The center has its own center.

Its own center doesn’t exist.

So what am I
Wrapping around if not 
Nothing at all?

River Won't Listen 10/30 by Illume System Studio

River rushing,
Messing through tranquility,
Upsetting soft grasses 
And still trees.

Calm sky clouds
Stay open for a wide sun.
But river shatters the rays
Upon rocks and edges.

River won’t listen 
To birdsong or deer hooves moving.
Instead, tantrum-ing down mountainsides,
And butting up against boundaries and lines.

Always running,
although towards or away from,
We may never know.
Whirl-pooled and streaming puddles of childish tears,
Crying until they’re all dried up.